Tuesday, December 1, 2009

5 Weeks in as a Teacher!

So we are wrapping up teaching week 5 in Inburi school. I can't believe we have been here a month already. Time goes by veerrry fast in Thailand. I guess I can say not much has happened lately, while at the same time I guess a lot has happened. We ended up not going to the boat races in Korat to save money and had another leisurely weekend in Inburi (this is 3 weekends ago). We did find a POOL in Singburi though which in the heat at the time was like a mirage and it was amazzzzing.
It was a really nice pool too with inner tubes and was shaded. A tan is the last thing on my mind in this heat. SINCE then though it's cooled down a ton and is great! It is cool enough at night to wear jeans or a sweater and I love it. Only problem is now our cold showers are not quite enjoyable anymore. If you take one in the morning after it's been cold all night it's actually pretty painful. I guess you can't have it all though! It still looks like summer here but this is their "winter".

The next weekend we spent in Chaiyapoom! This is about 6-7 hours from us which was quite the trek but about 10 people from Felix's group in Phuket are placed there which is awesome. They have a house that most of them live in and it reminds me of the "real world" only thai style so not as luxurious obviously. Chaiyaphum is pretty big and it made us kind of not thing Inburi is quite as good as we thought it was haha. They have bars, clubs, etc... a TESCO which is the Thailand version of Wal-Mart and a lot of stuff we don't have. Plus they are all there together. But in the end it is nice being in our little town and we can have the experiences of traveling to new places while getting more of a thai experience. It was a ton of fun in Chaiyaphum..the people there are amazing and we got to enjoy fast internet and a semi hot shower for the weekend. The bus ride there was kind of bad we had about 5 hours of standing on one of the 4 buses we had to take there. Apparently they don't stop selling tickets when the seats run out so we stood in the aisle way and in the dark since it was late for most of the ride. We also had a crazy bus on the way home that was BLASTING terrible music and probably going 10 mphs for an hour. What can you do though in Thailand anything goes..

Last weekend we went to Bangkok for Friday and Saturday and then stopped by Lopburi for the annual monkey festival on the way home on Sunday! I had the day off school on Friday because it was a giant CROSSWORD competition (scrabble), and also skits etc. all done in english and all the schools in the area competing. Felix had to stay and judge, and I headed to Bangkok early to get some things done with my visa. We had an interesting 2 days on Ko San road, and saw New Moon at the incredible theater but besides that not much happened! I like going to Bangkok when we can it is a completely different world obviously from where we live and it's nice to be surrounded by a more commercial kind of area every now and then and have options of things to do ..like go to the movies. I have still yet to see much more of Bangkok though but there will be plenty of time for that. We are only about 2 hours away so it's an easy trip! On Sunday we headed to Lopburi. Lopburi is the monkey capital of Thailand so as assumed, they are everywhere. There was supposed to be a big monkey buffet where they put out tables of food for the monkeys to eat. Our minibus dropped us off right in front of a table of destroyed food and monkeys hanging from the power lines. They were grabbing desserts and eating them and some fighting for the food they actually kind of scare me ahah. There are big ruins which the monkeys stay around so we went up there and pretty much just watched the monkey chaos for awhile. They all had junk food and people can go up to them and hand them bottles of water or cokes. They know how to open them and drink them like people its kindaaa crazy. The moms had little babies hanging off of their stomachs and the big ones seemed to fight everyone. It seemed the bigger the monkey balls the fiercer the monkey. Some of the big ones would jump on the little ones and bite them and they would all start screaming! The babies were fun to watch playing though there were literally just hundreds of monkeys all around us. They like shiny things and cameras and sunglasses too so one jumped on this random guys back and kept trying to pull his camera strap around his neck I was kind of worried for him. The monkey was looking through his hair too ahah. SOO that was pretty much all of Lopburi!

No turkeys in Thailand but Felix and I enjoyed our holiday the best we could over here! He cooked up an amazing schnitzel cordon bleu (no oven here either). They don't even eat cheese here and seeing as I LOVE cheese this was perfect. I am happy thinking about it. We each had about a block of cheese and ham sandwiched between two massive pieces of the schnitzel. We also got rolls and macaroni and WINE which are all things we never get here either. Ahhh. It was delicious.

SO, besides all of this not much new has happened in Thailand! The Kings birthday is on Saturday which is a huge deal. He turns 82, and is the longest reigning king in the world. AND since he apparently did tons of good things for Thailand EVERYBODY loves him. Even if you don't love him you can't say that, or anything bad about him for that matter or you get thrown in jail for 7 years! He is in the hospital now and has been for some time so they think he won't live much longer so that will be interesting to see what happens if he dies while we are still here. Long live the King! Anyways, this means that we don't have school on Monday, and then there is another holiday on Thursday, and I think we will be taking Friday off so next week will be only a 2 day week yaaaayyyy!! We will be in Bangkok for Felix's early birthday celebration and almost all of his group is meeting us there so it should be a really fun weekend.

Oh yeah, a few weeks ago we were leaving our driveway for dinner and there was a baby elephant standing at the end of it. He had a person with him but he wasn't chained up or anything..just was following his master down the road and no one thought it was a bid deal ahah. He had a blinker on his tail which was funny. Just another one of those random things in Thailand, we haven't seen any elephants anywhere near us but it isn't suprising to anyone to see a random baby one walking down the road..

ALSO, We are learning many thai words too yay go us. Thai is confusing.

Misss you all very much,

Teacher "BEEEE/Brie"

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