Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Very Thai Christmas

Merry Christmas from Thailand! It's actually Christmas Eve but we are celebrating today as we will be traveling tomorrow. We also celebrated at school today because they start exams tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Weekend in Ancient Suphanburi

UPDATE: WE HAVE NAMES!: Our teachers have given us thai nicknames. All Thai people have a nickname not related to their regular name that they go by. Many of my students pick American words for their nicknames. Mine is Bua (pronounded Boo-ah) which means Lotus. And Felix is Chok which means lucky!

So last weekend we decided to stay in Inburi to take a breather. And our friend Rich decided to visit as well! Our teachers had a big trip planned for us to go to an ANCIENT market in Suphanburi though on Saturday..and I think we definitely underestimated just how much we would be doing on this day.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to Felix!!!!!!

Yayyyyyyyyyy! It's already Wednesday here in Thailand so Felix is 23!!! We are still in school in the middle of the day but I think things so far have been great for him. In his words "the best day ever". Our teachers at school are incredible. They decked out our teachers lounge with a poster that includes Felix's face, flowers on his desk and all around, and a fancy table.

Kanchanaburi and Bangkok weekends!

Sawatdee Kha!

Felix and I have had 2 more weekends of traveling since I last wrote that I thought I would update you all on. We had Monday off for the King's birthday so we took a long weekend and headed to Kanchanaburi, Thailand. Which was nothing short of amazing. I am proud so say that I have traveled to many places in Thailand now that just blow my mind with how beautiful they are. Kanchanaburi is a small town but has a ton to do just from nature, and for the fact that it is become a decent sized tourist town. It's not tourists like in Bangkok or Phuket though, but you kind of get more of a nature seeking vibe from them.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

5 Weeks in as a Teacher!

So we are wrapping up teaching week 5 in Inburi school. I can't believe we have been here a month already. Time goes by veerrry fast in Thailand. I guess I can say not much has happened lately, while at the same time I guess a lot has happened. We ended up not going to the boat races in Korat to save money and had another leisurely weekend in Inburi (this is 3 weekends ago). We did find a POOL in Singburi though which in the heat at the time was like a mirage and it was amazzzzing.