Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Birthday to Felix!!!!!!

Yayyyyyyyyyy! It's already Wednesday here in Thailand so Felix is 23!!! We are still in school in the middle of the day but I think things so far have been great for him. In his words "the best day ever". Our teachers at school are incredible. They decked out our teachers lounge with a poster that includes Felix's face, flowers on his desk and all around, and a fancy table.
On top of that they prepared for us a giant feast and TWO cakes, one which is huge (and with Felix's name!). All of our teacher friends came for the feast. We had Masaman Soup which is Felix's favorite, plus a spicy noodle and seafood dish with octopus and shrimp, Musatay, kind of Indian pork grilled on a stick that you dip in a peanut sauce, sticky rice and regular rice, and all kinds of fruits. The also made a delicious punch with fruit..that was spiked haha. On top of having reallly nice ladies in our english department they are also sassy and hilarious. They put whiskey and wine coolers in the punch haha. Everyone sang happy birthday and Felix got to blow out his giant chocolate cake and they even gave him a big present which was a really nice button down work shirt. Oh yes and once everyone left they gave him a can Chang beer to drink hahaha. Anndd Felix still had a class to teach. The ladies we work with were so funny, the punch made them a bit tispy so they just kept giggling and one lady passed out on the couch. So the party was pretty much awesome. I think it is safe to say that drinking at school with our funny teachers and eating until we were about to explode and all the festivities was a for his birthday was a once in a lifetime thing and a memory we will never forget.

During the evening (and after a looong nap) Felix and I went to dinner at a restaurant that is about as nice as they come in Inburi. We call it the river restaurant really its just a shack overlooking the river. But here there are actually walls (atleast 3 instead of none) and a waiter who understands some english. The river is pretty bad looking and very brown in the day time but at night it is pretty and peaceful and we sat by a nice open window with a view. The food is awesome and portions are ginormous, so even though we were still full from lunch dinner was very nice.

YAYYYY birthdays. Today has been great. Happy Birthday Felix!!!

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